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Use your intuition

The story of Rachael Au Hoon, a resident of Waikapu, Hawaii it’s a reminder of how parents agonize when a child is diagnosed with cancer.

Her 3-year-old daughter Kahalau, was diagnosed with stage 3 neuroblastoma after a period of becoming weak, not being able to walk in a straight line, random episodes of fever and the feeling that something was not ok.

Kahalau´s dad shared in an interview published last March 21 of 2018, at The Maui News the following advice,
lesson of accompanying his daughter undergo several sessions of chemotherapy and surgery, which we believe it can help other parents to find some bravery.

“They get you by the tail because you want to save your daughter’s life so you’ll say yes to everything,” he said.
“The best thing to do is educate yourself with that specific cancer they have and do research on every medicine.
Be that advocate parent and use your intuition. It will save your child’s life”.

Kahalau´s parents created a facebook page where they share about Kahalu´s cancer journey.
If you have a similar story we encourage you to visit their page to find support, knowledge, and compassion.

For more information about the story follow this link.

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